1145 poze   42470 vizite

versuri la la land -demi lovato

I am confident, but
I still have my moments.
Baby, that's just me.

I'm not a supermodel
I still eat McDonalds.
Baby, that's just me.

Some may say I need to be afraid
Of losing everything.
Because of where I've
If I started,Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In a La-la land machine. Machine.

Who said I can't wear my
Converse with my dress?
Oh, Baby, That's just me!

And Who said I can't be single
I have to mingle
BABYYY, That's not me
Noo, noo.

Some may say I need to be afraid
Of losing everything.
Because of where I've
If I started, Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In the La-la land machine.

Tell me do you feel the way I feel
Cuz nothing else is real
In the la-la land machine


Some may say I need to be afraid
Of losing everything.
Because of where I've
If I started
Where I made my name
When everything's the same
In La-la land machine
Well, I'm not gonna change
In a La-la land machine
Well I will stay the same
In La-la land...


I won't change anything of my life
(I won't change anything of my life)
I'm staying myself tonight
(I'm staying myself tonïght)

La la la la laaaa....

Albumul selectat nu contine nici o poza.

Comentarii album • 1
bobolina 18 June 2010  
mijto melodia

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